What I Want Technology to Be for Me


Note: I wrote this while sleep-deprived and manic, so excuse my grammar :)


Technology is a tool or something that allows us to complete an action or goal with less effort. Sending a text or email instead of writing a letter, utilizing electronic funds transfer (EFT) transactions instead of dealing with cash or checks, or even telling your phone to remind you to buy a birthday gift instead of trying to remember it yourself all make our lives easier. In my opinion, relying on technology is part of human nature. We constantly look for ways to work smarter, not harder. Keep in mind technology isn't limited to electronics in the digital age. Technology, according to Google, is "the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aim of human life." So, inventions such as written language, the wheel, the printing press, electricity, steam engines, and sanitation systems are all technological innovations that helped create the life we are acquainted with today. Relying on technology has contributed to our constant improvement as a civilization, and the idea of stepping away from it is absurd. 

However, when it comes to digital devices, my opinion is wavering regarding their effect on our health. I think it's beneficial to be aware of how we use these tools and not get emotionally attached. Our phones cause the release of dopamine in our brains. TV, video games, etc., do the same. It's crucial to be the master of these tools and not let them determine our state of being, which is challenging since our generation grew up surrounded by digital devices.

Looking at my daily routine, I can see that I rely heavily on electronics and digital devices to get through the day. Most of my life is on Notion; I exclusively shop online; when I don't know, something I google it, and I would rather text or FaceTime someone instead of meeting them in person. Technology saves me time and money, and it's efficient, which is why I love it. 

But, I also value a balance between the digital and physical world for my mental health. I limit screen time, take social media breaks, and shut my devices off some days as a form of self-care.

When it comes to social media, I am super intentional. I run a business and create content on multiple platforms, so I need to be mindful of how I interact with various posts. I either block, restrict, or avoid content that makes me or other people feel bad. If it isn't in alignment with my brand, I don't allow it in my digital space. I try to only interact with digital energy that inspires, uplifts, or teaches me something new because that's the type of energy I want people to get from me. The whole point of social media, in my opinion, is to virtually connect with people with common interests and goals. So the more I participate in the energy mentioned above, the more people I come across with a similar vibe. That's pretty much how I use social media, and I've met some amazing, life-long friends on there.

Anyways, let's get back to digital devices as a whole. There have been periods where I get sucked into an endless cycle of scrolling or have watched the sunrise in horror after binging a new show. Though, I wouldn't blame technology. It's more of a lack of self-control in those moments. I've heard someone describe their mobile device as a "cell phone," meaning that it is a prison for your consciousness. And I've heard similar sentiments about other digital devices. I see these things as more of the Devil Card in tarot. The prison exists, but the door never closes, and the chains are loose enough for you to walk out. And that's how I view the downside or "evils" of technology.

Overall, I want technology to make my human experience easier. I'll try to use digital devices with discretion and awareness, but I don't want to be paranoid or resentful towards them. As long as I am aware that technology is just a tool, I think I'll be alright. 


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